jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012

DESIGN . design journalism as bedrock

The House That Design Journalism Built: Observatory: Design Observer

Rick Poynor

The House That Design Journalism Built

"The continuing closure of print publications without equally auspicious online platforms to replace them is not a good sign".

Reflexió de Poynor sobre les publicacions sobre diseny. Des dels anys 80 , a propòsit d' un número   de  DESIGN, fins la crítica publicada avui.
Més enllà de la  nostàlgia proposa alternatives i exemples.
També coincideix en que les revistes son una perfecte font per una recerca històrica.
(Veure també el seguit de comentaris després de l’ article).



A  Desing Observer,   Rick Poynor, (The House That Design Journalism Built: Observatory: Design Observer),    don una  referencia d' una nova revista -web a considerar. La  versió impresa es perllonga en les opinions  recollides a la pàgina web i així s' encoratja el diàleg.

"The continuing closure of print publications without equally auspicious online platforms to replace them is not a good sign.
So let’s hope for renewal. Last week I did, in fact, see a new publication, issue 0 of a critical design magazine with the boldly acerbic, though admittedly slightly off-putting title That New Design Smell. The magazine, divided between web and print, is conceived and edited byMichèle Champagne, an ambitious Canadian MFA graduate from the Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam, with a crisp, “flight attendant” persona — her tutors’ words, not mine — and a nicely cultivated sense of irony. Her aim, she says, is to encourage dialogue, not monologue, by folding comments made online back into the printed version of the magazine. In an amusing video on Vimeo, Champagne locks horns with lame designer lingo.” And, sorry Design Observer readers, but she has also composed a witty illustration — we used to say deconstruction — of the language of adoration used in many of your comments. The website gives a little taste (or is that sniff?) but you really need to see the whole thing on page with all that positivity amplified in big type. You may never gush again."

A l' editorial de la pàgina web,  Michèle Champagne escriu sobre les intencions de promoure la crítica en producció oberta:

"That New Design Smell is an experiment in smart and fun conversations on design. It takes the form of a critical design magazine driven by dialogue, rather than monologue. It experiments with open content production, where criticism engages an active online public. Dialogue is edited and published as a printed magazine you can hold in your hands.
The magazine began as a thesis proposal at Rietveld Academie’s Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam with the objective of thwarting design’s mandatory optimism, lame designer lingo and ‘likedy-like’ mafia. While there are several obvious approaches to infusing critical thinking in design, some are too easily dismissed. More monologues from professionals are known to be ignored. Academics used to own criticism, but now—with blogs and forums—it belongs to everyone. Yet, more often than not, design blogs are short, shallow and trite. Professional blogs may be smarter, but their public relations are too obvious.
As an alternative, That New Design Smell introduces an independent venue for design criticism and dialogue in a post-medium fashion—it offers a dirty yet diligent dialogue online and a batterie-free product in print."

miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012

Symposium on Publishing Practices

Storefront for Art and Architecture | Programming: series

 20  april , 2012

ARCHIZINES LIVE: Symposium on Publishing Practices
5 Manifesto Series on: MEDIUM / SPEED / HISTORY / CRISIS / DESIRE
In conjunction with the exhibition Archizines, Storefront hosts a 2-day symposium on publishing practices as part of its Manifesto Series.  Throughout its exhibition tour, Archizines has provided platforms for architectural research and debate, demonstrating the residual love of the printed word and paper page. Made by architects, artists and students, the publications included in the exhibition add an important, and often radical, addition to architectural discourse that will be further explored through the Manifesto Series.
Storefront will live-stream the event at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/archizines-live.

The 2-day symposium will include a Manifesto Series consisting of presentations on themes of medium/speed/history/crisis/desire by editors of the publications on display in the exhibition together with writers, critics and historians working within the fields of architecture and publishing; and a conversation between  Elias Redstone , curator of Archizines and  Craig Buckley, Beatriz Colomina  and  Urtzi Grau , members of the curatorial team of  Clip Stamp Fold,  an exhibition about the radical architecture of little magazines that was presented at Storefront in 2006:

Friday April 20, 7-9 PM: Medium and Speed
The materiality and temporality of a publication produces an epistemological space that conditions the writing and reading of the architecture depicted in its pages. With the emergence of new publishing technologies, new modes of writing and reading have emerged and these new mediums and speeds will be explored in the Manfiesto Series. Presenters will include:

7.00-8.00 Medium
MAS Context
Fresh Meat
Archphoto 2.0

8.00-9.00 Speed
Architects Newspaper 

Saturday, April 21, History/Crisis/ Desire

2.00-3.00 / HISTORY. The context in which architecture magazines insert themselves today is undeniably historical. Fueled by a rich collection of publications from the last forty years, magazines position themselves in relation to a large dilated present. Presenters who will take part in the discussion of the historical relevence of these publications will include:
Another Pamphlet
No Now
New Geographies

A conversation between Elias Redstone, curator of Archizines and Craig Buckley, Beatriz Colomina and Urtzi Grau, members of the curatorial team of Clip Stamp Fold, moderated by Eva Franch.

4.00-5.30 / CRISIS. Moments of crisis are moments of redefinition, when the institutionalized realms open up to the spaces of experimentation and cultural debate in order to retrace the path toward the future. From global ecologic crisis to the crash of the construction bubble in Spain to generalized economic turmoils, architects have found new ground in the production of architecture through the pages of magazines. Presentations will include:
Cornell Journal of Architecture
Foreign Architects Switzerland (FAS)
San Rocco

6.00-7.30 DESIRE. Desire always desires content. Going beyond the spaces of fulfillment required by society or institutional bodies, magazines are the our space for the production of new imaginaries and vectors of desire. Presentations will include:
Evil People in Modernist Homes in Popular Films

martes, 21 de agosto de 2012


infranet lab icons ecology infrastructure environment urbanism globalization
InfraNet Lab is a research collective probing the spatial byproducts of contemporary resource logistics. The laboratory posits the argument that a body of unique built works continues to arise out of the complex negotiation of, and competition for, biotic and abiotic resources. Operating in a manner similar to infrastructures, these works have evolved to merge landscape, urbanism, and architecture into a sophisticated mutant assemblage of surfaces, containers, and conduits.
The globe’s networked ecologies of food, water, energy, and waste have established new infrastructures and forms of urbanism linking dispersed entities. These agglomerations evolve and shift as resources are uncovered or depleted. While these ecologies exist at the service of our contemporary lifestyles, they have typically remained hidden from view and from the public conscience. Yet as resources of food, fuel and water begin to run scarce, new resources are mined and new networks develop.
Long accepted patterns of globalization are being called into question as transportation costs soar and resources run scare, transforming mobility and trading patterns. New local, regional and international networks of goods, movement and trade are beginning to emerge. Infranet Lab is mining the physical infrastructure produced in the wake of these shifting / changing conditions. InfraNet Lab, in partnership with Archinect has initiated a new publication on these issues called [bracket] published annually byActar. Please visit the website for information on current calls, and forthcoming editions.


THE ARSENALOF EXCLUSION & INCLUSION is  a blog from  Interboro Partners, a New York City-based office of architects, urban designers, and planners, working together to improve cities with innovative, experimental design ideas.

Interboro is led by Tobias Armborst, Daniel D’Oca, and Georgeen Theodore. 

We may see projects, diary, awards, Cvs in their site INTERBORO.

An excerpt from the definition of the blog  :

“Cities exist to bring people together, but cities are pretty good at keeping people apart, too. this is a blog about “weapons” used by architects, planners, policy-makers, developers, real estate brokers, community activists and other urban actors to wage the ongoing war between integration and segregation, between nimby (not in my back yard), and wimby (welcome in my back yard)”.

They are preparing a book: The arsenal of exclusion & inclusion that is announced to be published by Actar.

domingo, 19 de agosto de 2012

306090 opening up architectural discourse from every angle

306090, Inc. is an independent non-profit arts stewardship organization. Since its founding in 2001, 306090 has worked to support architect professionals and students by organizing publications and events geared towards fostering a community of ideas and exchange within the field of design. Exploring contemporary issues in architecture “from every angle,” 306090 is dedicated to opening up architectural discourse by publishing design projects, critical essays, and historic inquiries across a range of places, people and practices. Comprised of new work and untested ideas from around the world, 306090's books are an arena of open criticism, addressing contemporary conditions in political, technological and artistic disciplines on the basis of how architecture can address them.

Founded in 2001 by two architecture students and published twice yearly, 306090's Architecture Journal was an independent series of volumes dedicated to promoting the work and the interests of students of architecture and young designers. The Architecture Journal addresses themes, generating productive dialogue amongst geographically and ideologically diverse students and practitioners.

We may undeline, for instance, number 6:
"306090 06: Shifting Infrastructures that focuses on the influence of communication systems, data and material distribution, and other new technologies on existing physical and cultural infrastructures. The volume includes work from AUDC, Daniella Fabricius, Gnuform, Emily Eastman, Designlab, and others."

From 2006 there is a new sèrie substituting the Journal:  306090s books

From 306090s most recent books:  the 13th volume  Sustain and Develop,  investigates the contradictory yet potentially productive tension between our drive to develop and our growing knowledge and emerging concern that such unregulated growth is eroding the natural ecology in which we live. We are continually confronted with the knowledge of our own destructive potential and the unknown unquantifiable revenge that nature will undoubtedly seek, while the wonders of modern life gleam on the horizon for a world population of whom for the first time over half live in cities. 
How can architects confront either of these courses within the paradox that any mark in the ground will inevitably disrupt a natural ecology?
306090 13 re-examines the premise of the first definition defining sustainable development as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Is such a position tenable? Is the standard it implies sufficient to guide our work? How can developing countries undergoing rapid urbanization processes, particularly in Asia, be brought actively into the debate? How can developed countries with their own post-industrial landscapes and shrinking populations adapt to a redefined global economy?
Rather than take a one-sided position 306090 13 provides a forum to investigate sustainability and development and their relationships to one another from every angle. Eschewing established definitions and polemics in favor of active investigations into current development models, ecological strategies, site specific examples of the tension between development and sustainability, and the philosophical and theoretical context underpinning both terms.  

The series' fourteenth book, Making A Case, features radically new and varied ideas about the future of the North American home.
To reprise this idea today seems appropriate: it is important to ask what the house of our time should look like, do and say — but in a time of continuing crisis, addressing the contemporary house is complex. Faced with post-urban flight, the need to encourage density, a new focus on food production close to home, a glut of cheap, unused housing in some areas while homelessness persists in others, we are looking at shifts in the American way of life (both those already underway as well as those not yet begun but required for long-term survival) so drastic that they can only suggest a new and different future for the North American house.

viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012

Arq FILM FESTIVAL (tambien on line)


Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam.
Ademas de la próxima edición del festival y reportages de las pasadas ediciones la web tiene otros utensilios:
Un Festival on line perpetuo donde se ofrecen  algunos cortos, y enlaces con films para visionar .
Un calendario de festivales en otras ciudades.
Reseñas de films.
Colecciones temàticas.
Y más.

sábado, 11 de agosto de 2012

ANY Conferences & Books

1990-2000 History

From Any Corporation web site is  the following exerpt:

"In the decade leading to the new millennium, Anyone sponsored ten multidisciplinary and cross-cultural conferences on the condition of architecture at the end of the millennium. The results of each conference - the participants' papers and edited transcripts of the discussions - are published in books of the same name. The conferences, which took place between 1991-2000, were held at different sites around the globe and explored different themes based on architectural definitions of the ten compound any words in the English dictionary".

Index of Conferences held in: http://www.anycorp.com/any_conferences.php
  and  Any books published  in:  http://www.anycorp.com/any_books.php

This post is only a introductory  note for a further  deep study  required .

ANY Magazine

(May 1993-oct 2000)

From ANY Corporation  web site is the following excerpt:

" The bimonthly magazine ANY critically examined architecture, its relationships to other disciplines, and its cultural role in general at the end of the millennium. ANY, the name of which both reads as something undecidable (any magazine) and as an acronym for Architecture New York, involved architects, critics, theorists, sociologists, economists and others from around the world who address issues in architecture that bear on contemporary culture. The publication, which began in May 1993, also sponsored public seminars to open up the discussion of themes presented in the magazine. Publication ceased in October 2000 with number 27".

A index of published issues and content  is in : http://www.anycorp.com/any_issues.php

Esta es una nota que necesitaría de una explicación más extensa, fruto de un estudio más  detallado,  pendiente de realizar. 

Log. Resisting media images through printed pages on writing and reading.

From about in Log web site we extract what is Log:
"Log is an independent journal on architecture and the contemporary city that presents criticism and commentary in a literary format designed to resist the seductive power of the image in media, while identifying and elaborating the central concerns of architectural thinking and production today. A carefully crafted compendium of essays, interviews, and brief "observations," Log provides an ongoing international platform for the exchange of ideas, both bearing on and emanating from architecture and the city, among a curious audience of readers, including architects, designers, students, scholars, and artists. Published three times a year, general "open" issues are punctuated by occasional thematic issues on prescient topics.
 Founded in 2003, Log is a project of the Anyone Corporation, a non-profit organization in New York City devoted to advancing architectural thought and writing".
In particular we underline from last issues : Log 24  a compilation of architecture criticism that exemplifies the range of criticism today. 
In Any Corporation web site / Observations there is a link with some free digital  excerps from Log.
Log is edited by Cynthia Davidson.
Esta es una nota que necesitaría de una explicación más extensa, fruto de un estudio más  detallado,  pendiente de realizar.