miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012

Symposium on Publishing Practices

Storefront for Art and Architecture | Programming: series

 20  april , 2012

ARCHIZINES LIVE: Symposium on Publishing Practices
5 Manifesto Series on: MEDIUM / SPEED / HISTORY / CRISIS / DESIRE
In conjunction with the exhibition Archizines, Storefront hosts a 2-day symposium on publishing practices as part of its Manifesto Series.  Throughout its exhibition tour, Archizines has provided platforms for architectural research and debate, demonstrating the residual love of the printed word and paper page. Made by architects, artists and students, the publications included in the exhibition add an important, and often radical, addition to architectural discourse that will be further explored through the Manifesto Series.
Storefront will live-stream the event at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/archizines-live.

The 2-day symposium will include a Manifesto Series consisting of presentations on themes of medium/speed/history/crisis/desire by editors of the publications on display in the exhibition together with writers, critics and historians working within the fields of architecture and publishing; and a conversation between  Elias Redstone , curator of Archizines and  Craig Buckley, Beatriz Colomina  and  Urtzi Grau , members of the curatorial team of  Clip Stamp Fold,  an exhibition about the radical architecture of little magazines that was presented at Storefront in 2006:

Friday April 20, 7-9 PM: Medium and Speed
The materiality and temporality of a publication produces an epistemological space that conditions the writing and reading of the architecture depicted in its pages. With the emergence of new publishing technologies, new modes of writing and reading have emerged and these new mediums and speeds will be explored in the Manfiesto Series. Presenters will include:

7.00-8.00 Medium
MAS Context
Fresh Meat
Archphoto 2.0

8.00-9.00 Speed
Architects Newspaper 

Saturday, April 21, History/Crisis/ Desire

2.00-3.00 / HISTORY. The context in which architecture magazines insert themselves today is undeniably historical. Fueled by a rich collection of publications from the last forty years, magazines position themselves in relation to a large dilated present. Presenters who will take part in the discussion of the historical relevence of these publications will include:
Another Pamphlet
No Now
New Geographies

A conversation between Elias Redstone, curator of Archizines and Craig Buckley, Beatriz Colomina and Urtzi Grau, members of the curatorial team of Clip Stamp Fold, moderated by Eva Franch.

4.00-5.30 / CRISIS. Moments of crisis are moments of redefinition, when the institutionalized realms open up to the spaces of experimentation and cultural debate in order to retrace the path toward the future. From global ecologic crisis to the crash of the construction bubble in Spain to generalized economic turmoils, architects have found new ground in the production of architecture through the pages of magazines. Presentations will include:
Cornell Journal of Architecture
Foreign Architects Switzerland (FAS)
San Rocco

6.00-7.30 DESIRE. Desire always desires content. Going beyond the spaces of fulfillment required by society or institutional bodies, magazines are the our space for the production of new imaginaries and vectors of desire. Presentations will include:
Evil People in Modernist Homes in Popular Films

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