sábado, 11 de agosto de 2012

ANY Conferences & Books

1990-2000 History

From Any Corporation web site is  the following exerpt:

"In the decade leading to the new millennium, Anyone sponsored ten multidisciplinary and cross-cultural conferences on the condition of architecture at the end of the millennium. The results of each conference - the participants' papers and edited transcripts of the discussions - are published in books of the same name. The conferences, which took place between 1991-2000, were held at different sites around the globe and explored different themes based on architectural definitions of the ten compound any words in the English dictionary".

Index of Conferences held in: http://www.anycorp.com/any_conferences.php
  and  Any books published  in:  http://www.anycorp.com/any_books.php

This post is only a introductory  note for a further  deep study  required .

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