sábado, 24 de mayo de 2014


Architecturaltheory.eu   es  la página web del Instituto de Teoría de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Insbruck dirigido por Bart Lootsma. La página publica a modo de revista algunos artículos, entre los que seleccionamos por enmarcarse en el interés de este blog, el que se encuentra en el apartado Architectural Criticism and the Media Industry.

Bart Lootsma:  From Pluralism to Populism. Architectural Criticism in Times of the Internet.

Architecture has changed from a discipline in service of the larger part of the population through public housing, public buildings, public spaces, urban planning and design to a particular and already in itself disparate niche  market of the real estate business that has more to do with the media  industry than with public tasks.  
Architectural criticism has become part of this media industry as well. Thus, Postmodern Architecture could flourish as the bastard child of political and  cultural populist strategies. Today, architectural criticism finds itself in a deep  crisis due to new developments in publishing and it’s financing...

En la web puden encontrarse también informaciones relacionadas con los cursos y otras actividades. 

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