sábado, 14 de mayo de 2011

Archigram Archival Project

Archivo Online de uso libre sobre el célebre grupo de arquitectos Archigram
Contiene un índice de proyectos, reproducciones de las revistas, videos y listado de conferencias.
Posee una sección About con varios artículos y reseñas sobre el grupo.

1 comentario:

  1. La ordenación publicación del archivo digital de Archigram ha corrido a cargo de Exp dirigido por Kester Rattenbury. Debido a su tesis y a este trabajo entre otros, la invité a venir a la ETSAB para este taller, pero no pudo. (Quizás si le enviamos el forum el blog de este año vendrá el próximo). (Profe)
    Kester Rattenbury is an architectural journalist, critic and writer. After training as an architect, she completed a PhD on the coverage of architecture in the mass media, (partly published in This Is Not Architecture: Media Constructions, London/New York: Routledge, 2002). She have been architectural journalist, Building Design, other UK and international magazines and newspapers.

    She joined the University of Westminster in 2000, where co-ordinates ExP the research group Experimental Practice, which runs some projects . One is the Archigram Archival Project, One is the Supercrit series, published by Routledge. The third is a series of “live”projects of which the first, a collaboration between David Greene of Archigram and Samantha Hardingham of ExP, concuded in an exhibition at Londo’s Architectural Association and a related book publication.

    Kester is also working on a long-term project exploring the description of architecture and environment in English novels.
